Thursday, July 24, 2008

Barrett Makes a Comeback

Just days after dealing with the loss of Scarlet we thought we were going to lose Barrett as well. After returning home from Hocking Hills we found that Barrett was not able to even lay down due to them amount of fluid that was building up in her chest and lungs. We went to bed Sunday night thinking it would be her last.

On Monday, the vet informed us that she had a bad heart (I'd try and say the technical term but can't even begin to remember what it was). She was placed on some heart medication (ironically the same medication that Julie's grandpa takes), antibiotics and aspirin in the attempt to get rid of the infection in her heart and lungs.

The medication is supposed to make her go to the bathroom much more than normal so for the next few days Barrett got to come with Julie and I to work. She hung out in my office all day just laying down behind my chair. She was a model employee and is up for a raise and more vacation and sick days.

She looked and acted much better today so she spent the day with cousin Lisle at mom's house. She is eating much better and looks to be back on her way to being mischievious. We'll see what the vet says next week during her followup visit.


Bekah said...

HOORAY!!!! Barrett we were praying for you and are so excited that you are making a comeback!!!! Benjamin prayed for 'Bear Bear' to get well so I am thinking that did it! Love you guys. Drew commented when we thought you were going to have to put Barrett down that she is the best dog ever. Go Barrett!

Matt & Julie Rychener said...

Tell Benjamin that Barrett thanks him for his super prayers and knows that it definitely helped. =)