OK, so I've been up in the middle of the night for the last three nights (way out of character for me). Each time my mind has been on the same topic... the upcoming election. Since I can't get it out of my brain, I'll write it down.
Here’s my thing… It may sound absolutely crazy and off the wall but hear me out…
As absurd as it may sound, it don’t believe that the biggest issue facing America is the economy… or health care… or the war in Iraq. I feel like the biggest issue in America is the fact that we’ve pushed God aside. This nation is no longer one nation under God… It’s one nation under all the gods that we need to be tolerant and acceptable of and honor equally. The country was founded on faith in the one true God… its laws… its principals… its beliefs… and was tremendously blessed by God. To thank him, over the years our leaders, decision makers and activist groups have gradually and systematically been removing God from everything we can… and God is finally saying “OK, have it your way.”
It is impossible for me to believe that the US is any less evil and corrupt in our actions (abortion, homosexuality, etc.) than societies like Sodom and Gomorrah, Rome, Pompeii… and look at what happened to them. At some point, if that is the case and this behavior continues, God’s blessings would (and probably have already) stop and he will remove his hand of protection over us. I don’t believe that the economic plan for any candidate is going to work and be blessed to turn this economy around without that. I believe that that we need to elect leaders that will turn this around and get back to where we were at the inception of this nation.
So for me, to boil it down to something so absurd and simple… I’ve been praying for the next leader of our nation to be the man of God that both of these candidates claim to be… and as far as my vote, I’m asking for the peace of mind and discernment to know who that is.
Now, having said that, here is why I am having such a hard time with the Obama/Biden ticket. I have heard both men claim to be Christians and state that they personally do not believe that issues like abortion or homosexuality are right… but they have then turned right around and said that even though that is their belief, they would never dream of imposing those beliefs on others and believe they should have the right to choose for themselves whether that is acceptable or not. I don’t believe that there should be a speed limit and I should be able to drive as fast as I want on whatever road I want… but someone has decided that it is not acceptable… or safe… or legal… so they have imposed that law on me… because it’s what leaders are supposed to do. I want (and believe we NEED) a leader(s) that will begin to take a stand for issues like this.
I know Bush claims to be a Christian as well… but I believe there are places that he has sold out to appear as politically correct as possible, specifically in dealing with the acceptance and equality of all religions (see Ten Commandments for this error). =)