Friday, October 10, 2008

Rare Political Rant

OK, I've got to rant a bit about something that seems to just have me so frustrated right now... If anyone feels differently than me about this I'd love to hear about it and look at it from someone else's viewpoint.

Driving back from a meeting in Toledo today, I was listening to K-Love and they had somebody on there doing a political anaysis of the upcoming election. They were saying that from what their research shows, Christian voters are appearing to side more with Obama 60% to 40% because they see him as "more sympathetic to religion."

Now, don't hear me wrong... I'm not at judging Obama for his religious views and convictions... only God knows what is in his heart. However, I've listened to him during his debate at Saddleback Church and heard him quote scripture and tell of all the profound influence that Christianity has had in his life... and then have heard him two breaths later make comments that issues like abortion and same sex marriages are "above his pay grade."

What pay grade are you running for, Senator Obama? I thought it was for one that was responsible for shaping our views as a nation. Why should I vote for you when you can't give me a definitive answer on where you stand... since you change the answer at your next rally that has a different audience.

Why in the world should I as a Christian believe that Senator Obama is going to be "more sympathetic to religion" after he is elected... just because he quoted some Bible verses at a debate? Who is to say that was another item that was just on show for the night because of his audience?

I may not see eye to eye with McCain on everything either but at least with him I feel like the answer he is giving is his word.

Matthew 5:37. Instead, let your message be 'Yes' for 'Yes' and 'No' for 'No.' Anything more than that comes from the evil one."


Grandma Pam said...

At least we know we can trust the King of Kings who sits on the throne and He is still in charge.

Carrie said...

I can see why you would want to rant about this...and I agree
Love the new look on the blog, and I also like what your Mom wrote as well..

Hope you are feeling well!

Bekah said...

ooooh I love the new look. Great pictures. Aaaah politics...I've had way to many discussions about this recently....

Matt & Julie Rychener said...

...and? Don't leave us hanging. What do you think about it?

The German-Ethiopian Alaskans :O) said...

Love the new photos!!!! Let's face it: you two are adorable. :o)
Didn't you have chemo this past week? I kept waiting for an update. Please advise.

The Burkholders said...

Wow. I didn't hear that this morning, it's scary. We saw clips from Saddleback church and Jay and I both felt the same way. He didn't seem bold on his answers, more memorized. We agree with you. It's hard to believe anything he says.

deewills said...

Go Matt! Go Matt! :-)