Saturday, November 8, 2008

4 Down... 8 to Go.

So I just finished up my 4th bi-weekly session of chemo... only 8 more to go. It sure seems like it should fly by but I've got to admit that there are days that I can't bear the thought of dealing with it for even one more day.

I'm going to be starting treatments in the hyperbaric chamber at Sara's Garden on Monday after work to try and boost my immune system (and hopefully my energy). I feel like the guy on the Hairclub for Men commercial... "I'm not just a board member... I'm also a customer." =) I'm not sure that I believed this process would have such a dramatic effect on my energy to do the simplest things... just going out to dinner requires an immediate nap to recover from.


sandy said...

thanks for the update-was wondering how you were feeling and wondering how to pray. Continuing to keep praying.


Bekah said...

praying, praying, praying always. we love you so much and think of you constantly throughout the day. ben says 'my love you. that's all.'

Jim and Julie said...

Hey at least you still have your sense of humor about everything going on. We love you and we have a whole lot of people in NC praying for you two. LOVE YOU!!

The German-Ethiopian Alaskans :O) said...

Johanan would love to tuck you in for a nap. He's very good at tucking his bears in, putting a blanket over them and gently touching their foreheads. :o) We miss you and we are praying for you!!! Love you both!

deewills said...


Bekah said...
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