Monday, February 16, 2009


Yesterday we got to go along with 6 of our Junior/Senior Youths and 2 other adults on a trip to a ski resort called Bittersweet up near Kalamazoo Michigan. It was a really fun day that started of with a bang! (Alyssa face planting into the snow and ice) She was a great sport about it and just laughed it off... I think anyone else would have called it quits after that but not "Bloodbath Alyssa" - she's all about going big or going home, no guts no glory!! (be sure to click on the 2nd pic to check out the damage!) Matt was able to make a few runs down the mountain so that made him very happy... going down those few times helped to remind us both how out of shape we are (at least he had the chemo excuse to fall back on! I had nothing!) We spent most of our day sitting in the sunshine and just watching the kids come zooming down the hills - it was a beautiful day. Lots of laughs.


Grandma Pam said...

Love that picture of you and Matt. And yes, Alyssa is one brave girl.

Jim and Julie said...

Great picture, you guys looked cold. Glad you two had a great weekend. Love you.

The Burkholders said...

Good picture! Looks cold, but fun! Praying you are all doing well:)

Mrs. Smith said...

I'm jealous of your snow!! You guys are my two favorite action heros... :) Looks like a super fun time!