Thursday, June 4, 2009

Your Brain is Normal.....

...and I have medical proof. I went back to the neurologist on Monday for my followup appointment and she was very happy to tell me that my brain is normal. I asked if I could get that in writing to show the skeptics! She did say however - there is no medical explanation to why all of a sudden on Good Friday I was experiencing these horrible pains in my head. It could be a fluke, a one time thing or they may come back - its really hard to say. The medication that I am on is very effective in treating it - so its not like we are at a loss for what to do if it should happen again. She does have me on a regimine to slowy wean off the medication to see what happens. I had already started decreasing my dosage before I saw her and so far so good. I pray it stays that way.

1 comment:

Jim and Julie said...

Praise the Lord! We Love You two and miss You