Monday, April 5, 2010

What a week!

What a long week we had. Last week was so full - I feel like I could take a few days and just sleep.

We knew ahead of time that last week was going to be jam packed - but what we didn't count on was having to say goodbye to my Grandpa Vogelbacher.

Wednesday - A lot of Wednesday was spent making calls back and forth to each other to keep everyone posted of what was going on (while I was trying to pack and move things) one of the times that I called my brother Jim (from NC) he said " I can't talk right now I'm in an accident" - so we hung up and I waited (impatiently) for news. Turns out that while he was trying to get things in order so that he could leave to drive up here - he was rear ended!

Thursday - My Grandpa passed away early Thursday morning (3:30am). So I made the phone calls to my brothers and then tried (unsuccessfully) to get some sleep. We headed to work around 8 and I tried to find flights for Jim to fly home - when I called him he said "its already taken care of" - The wonderful Church he attends stepped forward and bought him a plane ticket home. Praise the Lord for their kindness. So I made arrangements with him on when to pick him up and tried to get some work done at Sonit before I had to leave. After we picked Jim up and we spent the rest of the night prepping for our move day.

Friday - Up at 6am to get ready for furniture moving at 7. We spent the morning moving as much as we could (We mostly just had some big furniture pieces to move and then some small odds and ends) Then we got cleaned up quick and spent from 2 on at the funeral home for the visitation.

Saturday - Up at the crack of dawn again to get done whatever I could before we had to leave at 930 for the funeral. After we got back home we loaded up the dogs and one more load of stuff and headed to Archbold to spend our first night at Pam's. We got to relax a bit a watch a movie. Today was an emotional day for me, although I did my best to hide it, it didn't always work.

Sunday - We went to church and saw a wonderful Easter drama and then had some good eatin' at Gma Clair's..... and then you guessed it more moving. We went back out to the cabin to take the last big load of stuff that was going to my dads and took it there and left the trailer. We then headed back to the cabin to empty the fridge and freezer.

I am so thankful that we had the majority of our stuff already moved before this past week - I can't imagine what it would have been like if we would have had to move everything! The odds and ends that were left and moved was bad enough!

This week - we will continue to put things away and settle into a routine. Poor Daisy.... she hasn't quite adjusted yet, she stays hidden in our bedroom mostly...although I did tell Pam - you should probably actually appreciate this time when she is afraid of you and not bugging you! =)

Until next time - enjoy the beautiful spring!


Bekah said...

Sorry we weren't around to help!!! We have definitely not returned the moving favor! We love you. See you this weekend.

The German-Ethiopian Alaskans :O) said...

So sorry for your loss! Praying for you! Love you guys! We missed skyping with you, Julie.