Thursday, June 24, 2010

Anniversary Fun

Well.... since a lot of you all have seen this in person, I figured it was time to spill the beans to the rest of you. The desire to get a tattoo has been around for me for a long time, but I was always a little worried of the pain involved and worried about what people would think. I started toying with the idea with a little more determination to actually get one back on my birthday (May 1st)...but of course we couldn't get in anywhere to do it...unbeknownst to us a LOT of people are getting tattoos these days. I waited a week or so and then finally stopped by the tattoo shop in Wauseon and made an appointment. It would be almost a month till I could get in because he was that booked up! I made the appointment for the night of June 8th (Matt would have killed me if he couldn't go along to watch). The night before our 9th wedding anniversary - we headed out to the tattoo shop! Did it hurt?! YES.... duh! It was done in about a hour. Then the next day it just felt like a sunburn, it has healed up great and in a short time. The location of my tattoo allows me to be able to show it or keep it covered up...which is nice. I mostly get one of 2 reactions when people see it - 1. That's Awesome or 2. Why would you do that to your body!?