Saturday, August 16, 2008

Day 2.....

Today was a super busy day. Today was the 5th annual Poker Run for Sara's Garden - so I was Matt for the day helping to facilitate all the poker run specifics.

Day 2 for Matt went a lot like day one.... he still has quite a bit of pain and is being medicated pretty regularly for it. He was able to get up and sit out of bed today. Which was good - but it was definately not the highlight of his day - tomorrow they will continue to keep getting him to sit up and perhaps even go for a short walk. The Dr. said this morning the best thing for his speedy recovery is to not baby it along - no doubt its going to hurt when he gets moving, but the more he does it the less it should hurt each time.

So thats the update for today! Good night all!

1 comment:

Doug Yoder said...

Matt baby it along... nah!
Prayin for a speedy recovery...
- Doug Yoder