Friday, October 10, 2008

Chemo - Round 2

Sorry for the late update... round two of chemo was very similar to round one with some nifty new side effects.

They had warned us about neuropathy in my fingers and toes... well, after leaving treatment on Monday we stopped by Taco Bell to grab some dinner (It just sounded good at the time). When Julie handed me my cold cup of lemonade it felt as though I had just grabbed an electric fence. I thought I was being electrocuted. I could feel the currents going up my fingers. I had to quickly hand the cup back to her.

The following morning I had the same feeling in my toes when I walked across the cold bathroom tile with no socks on. Needless to say, I've been wearing gloves every morning to drive to work to grip the steering wheel and have had to start sitting my water and juice out on the counter instead of the refridgerator and drink it at room temperature... ummm yummy!

Wednesday seems to be the worst day of the week for me as each week now I've missed work completely that day and spent much of my day in the bathroom on my knees praying in front of the toilet. =)

Sitting here on Friday night I feel pretty good. I was able to go to work every day other than Wednesday and as of now just have some slight feelings of nausea lingering around. Two down... ten to go.


The Burkholders said...

Great pictures! We are praying for you.

Matt & Julie Rychener said...

what's up with Jay not golfing in the outing tomorrow... the only reason I was going was to watch him continue to dominate the greens.

Bekah said...

what are you guys up to this weekend? what golf outing? we'll try to reach you on skype sometime this weekend. are you going to make sure you don't have chemo the week we are home for christmas or maybe you don't have any control over that? just want you to be at your best for some wii competition. :)

The Burkholders said...

Dominate the greens? what has he been telling you? We went golfing last Sunday together, and he did not dominate the greens. Well,...neither did I:)

Matt & Julie Rychener said...

I'm not sure I'll have a choice whether I have chemo that week or not... since I'll probably be missing a week for when we go Florida.

Matt & Julie Rychener said...

Yeah, I heard today that Jay took you golfing... today I played with Barry Tuckerman, his son Chandler (freshman) and a friend from school. We actually finished 7 under and won the thing. More importantly we had killer steaks cooked on an open campfire afterwards.