Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ohio Weather Welcomes Us Home

We're back from our trip to the sunny, beautiful, non-Ohio weather of the Caribbean. We'll try and get photos posted as soon as we can. We've got a ton to sort through.

In a nutshell, we had a great time, ate FAR TOO MUCH food (I can already hear Mom typing away about dieting ASAP), got really brown (and red), and enjoyed visiting all those beautiful islands... by the way, it was all you can eat lobster (and we took full advantage).

Yeah Mom, I did a zip line excursion through the rain forest in St. Lucia... you can start worrying about all the terrible things that could have happened to me. =)

Stay tuned...


deewills said...

seems like it is taking forever for you to post those pictures........i'm just sayin.

Mrs. Smith said...

Yeah, where ARE these alleged pictures? Did you REALLY go on a cruise, b/c it's not nice to tell lies... Maybe if enough of us pester you, you'll realize we actually do read your blog and you'll start appealing to the masses. OK, at least to me and Dee. :)

Bekah said...

seriously, i'm beginning to wonder myself if you actually went on a cruise. or maybe you did spend your entire time eating. you at least could have taken pictures of the food.