Tuesday, September 23, 2008


The first day of chemo yesterday was relatively uneventful. Please pray that it continues that way!

One specific prayer request - Please pray against HICCUPS! Matt has been fighting hiccups all day today on and off -we all know that hiccups can be annoying and painful if they last. I did a google search this afternoon and it seems that the one chemo drug he gets has an "undocumented but common" side affect of causing hiccups.

.....and of course continue to pray against nausea.


Bekah said...

Praying always....

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that the first day of chemo was relatively uneventful. I will pray against the hiccups, but I have a sure-fire way of stopping them if you get them; I learned it from an old stage manager years ago, and it works every time (unless the person with hiccups starts laughing). It requires another person:

Helper stands facing the right side of the Hiccupper. As the Hiccupper takes a deep breath and holds it, the Helper places the index finger of his right hand firmly across the upper lip of the Hiccupper (as if blocking a sneeze) and the index finger of his left hand firmly at the base of the Hiccupper's skull, at the top and "in the small of" the back of his neck. Hold this position firmly but not uncomfortably or painfully for as long as the Hiccupper can hold his breath. When the Hiccupper releases his breath, the hiccups will be gone. Works every time.

The Burkholders said...

We are praying for you both!

Carrie said...

Prayers are with you.
The Stamm's

Bekah said...

Okay you didn't answer my email and mom said you didn't sleep because you were hiccuping. I need an update. Please tell me Papa Mike's advice worked and the prayers of many and you are done hiccuping. Praying...

deewills said...

so, how is the chemo going?