Monday, September 22, 2008

Stuff.... and Clarification...

Today is Matt's first day of chemo... and I woke up today just dreading the day (because of all the unknown's, the possible side affects, and I just want Matt to be pain free) - but almost immediately after thinking to myself how much I dreaded the day - the very next thing that ran through my brain was - This is the day the Lord has made -Let us rejoice and be glad in it (Pslam 118:24)- How True!! Thank you God for that reminder today.

After going to church yesterday and talking to some people we realized that there may be some need for clarification on some posts that we made earlier so that there is no more confusion

Just to recap Matt's last month

1 - Matt was diagnosed with Colon Cancer
2 - 2 areas of the colon/intestines and part of the stomach wall were removed
3 - the tumor was removed - it was indeed malignant
4 - the tumor had breached the wall of the Colon -leading to more testing
5 - the tissue/lymph nodes that were around the area of the tumor - tested negative for cancer (meaning that the cancer looks to have been contained in the tumor itself and has not travelled to any other part of Matt's body)
6 - because the tumor breached the wall that is the reason for the Chemo
7 - Chemo is 3 days a week - every other week - for six months (12 cycles)


sandy said...

Matt- know that we have been praying and thinking of you. Thanks for keeping us up to date. We are also praying for you Julie thru this time. Psalm 91-Because he loves me-I will rescue him,I will protect him because he acknoledges my name. He will call upon me and I will answer him. God will truly be your strenght thru this time.
The Wyse's

deewills said...

Thanks for the clarifications and KNOW that many are praying and believing with you for total and complete healing!